bouncing bess / ˈsoʊpˌwɜrt, -ˌwɔrt /


bouncing bess 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a plant, Saponaria officinalis, of the pink family, whose leaves are used for cleansing.

bouncing bess 近义词

bouncing bess

等同于 bouncing Bet

bouncing bess 的近义词 2

更多bouncing bess例句

  1. Polypetalous corolla of Soapwort, of five petals with long claws or stalk-like bases.
  2. Unguiculate petals are universal and strongly marked in the Pink tribe, as in Soapwort (Fig. 248).
  3. Other sapotoxins are obtained from the roots of soapwort and from several species of Gypsophila.
  4. The Soapwort comes to us from Europe, where in some localities it is a common wild flower.
  5. The plant commonly called Soapwort or Bouncing Bet also bears other popular names, many of which are purely local.